TrustOctober 13, 2023by Finex & CoHow do you ensure your illegitimate child will receive a portion from your estate without the knowledge of your current partner?

Estate planning involves making decisions about how your assets will be distributed after your passing. Ensuring that your loved ones, including children, are taken care of is a primary concern. However, when complexities arise due to unconventional family situations, such as having an illegitimate child while in a committed relationship, navigating the legal and ethical aspects becomes sensitive. This article explores ways to provide for your illegitimate child in your estate plan without involving your current partner.


Establish a Trust

A trust can be an effective tool to provide for your illegitimate child while maintaining privacy. By creating a trust, you can designate specific assets and instructions for their distribution to your child without directly involving your current partner. This arrangement allows for greater control over how the funds are used and ensures that your child’s needs are met.


Consider Gifting Strategies

While you’re still alive, you can consider gifting assets to your illegitimate child. Be cautious with this approach, as it might raise suspicions if done too conspicuously. Consult your estate planner or attorney to find the right balance between providing for your child and avoiding unnecessary complications.


Keep Communication Discreet

If you wish to keep your intentions hidden from your current partner, ensure that all conversations, correspondence, and documentation related to your estate planning are kept private. Store important documents in a secure location, and communicate discreetly with your estate planner, attorney and any financial institutions involved.


Share Your Intentions with a Trusted Individual

While the goal is to maintain privacy, it’s wise to share your intentions with a trustworthy individual who can act as an executor or advocate for your wishes if needed. This person should understand the sensitive nature of the situation and be committed to ensuring your child’s well-being.


Engage the same Estate Planner

Engaging the same estate planner you’ve worked with in the past ensures a sense of continuity in your estate planning process. Your estate planner is already familiar with your financial situation, family dynamics, and personal preferences. This familiarity can be crucial when delicately integrating provisions for your illegitimate child into your existing estate plan.



Estate planning is a deeply personal process, and when navigating situations involving illegitimate children and complex relationships, it becomes even more intricate. While ensuring your child’s future is important, it’s crucial to proceed with caution, sensitivity, and the guidance of legal professionals. Balancing your child’s well-being with the privacy of your current partner requires thoughtful consideration and careful execution to ensure your intentions are honored while avoiding unnecessary conflicts or complications.


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