WillOctober 21, 2024by Kai Xin YeohWhat happens to outstanding debts after a loved one passes away?

Mr. Lim recently lost his father, who left behind an outstanding housing loan of RM500,000. As the sole beneficiary named in the will, Mr. Lim is worried. He wonders, “Will I have to take over my father’s housing loan? Can the bank continue charging interest on the outstanding amount after my father’s death?” 

These are common concerns that many people face when handling inheritance matters. In this article, we’ll address these questions and provide practical solutions to manage debts left behind by a deceased loved one under Malaysian law.


Debts Don’t Disappear Upon Death:

When someone passes away, their debts do not automatically get written off by the banks. In Malaysia, there is no law that mandates banks to forgive outstanding debts, including housing loans, of the deceased.


Banks Can Continue Charging Interest:

Since the debt remains after death, the bank is legally entitled to continue charging interest on any outstanding amounts, including housing loans, until these debts are fully settled.


Are Beneficiaries Responsible for the Deceased’s Debts?

No, beneficiaries are not personally responsible for paying off the deceased’s debts. The debts are tied to the deceased’s estate, not to the beneficiaries.


Paying Off Debts Before Inheritance Distribution:

Under Section 68 of the Probate and Administration Act 1959, the executor or administrator of the estate must first use the assets of the deceased to settle all outstanding debts, including legal fees, funeral expenses, taxes, and any housing loans, before distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries.

You may refer to our previous article: Does your executor still have to pay for your housing loan after you have died?


Prepare for Immediate Funds:

To avoid complications, it’s wise to prepare enough immediate funds to cover any outstanding debts. One way to do this is through life insurance, which can provide quick access to funds upon death. This ensures that debts, such as a housing loan, can be paid off swiftly, preventing further interest from accumulating and allowing for a smoother inheritance process.


By understanding these key points, you can better manage the financial aspects of dealing with a loved one’s passing and ensure that their estate is handled properly according to Malaysian law.


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根据1959年的《遗嘱认证与遗产管理法》(Probate and Administration Act 1959) 第68条,执行人 (executor) 或管理人 (administrator) 必须先用死者的资产来还清所有债务,包括律师费、葬礼费、税务以及房贷等等,之后才能把剩下的资产分给受益人。


你可以看看我们之前的文章:Does your executor still have to pay for your housing loan after you have died?





