WillOctober 14, 2024by Kai Xin YeohCan I write 2 separate Wills for different beneficiaries in Malaysia?

Mr. Lim is married to Amy but is secretly involved in an affair with Bella. He wishes to leave some of his assets to Amy, his wife, and other assets to Bella, his mistress. Mr. Lim asks if it’s possible to write two separate wills—one for Amy and another for Bella—without either knowing about the other.


Is It Legal to Have Two Wills in Malaysia?

According to Malaysian law, particularly under the Wills Act 1959, only the most recent will is considered valid. When a new will is executed, it usually includes a revocation clause that invalidates all previous wills. This means that if Mr. Lim writes two wills, the second will (assuming it is legally executed) will revoke the first.


Potential Issues with Multiple Wills:

  1. Revocation of Previous Wills: When Mr. Lim writes a second will, it will likely revoke the first will. Even if the wills are meant to coexist, this could lead to confusion and potential disputes among the beneficiaries.
  2. Conflict Between Wills: The assets and instructions in one will may conflict with those in the other. For example, if both wills inadvertently dispose of the same asset, it can create a legal dilemma over which will takes precedence.
  3. Discovery of the Second Will: If Amy discovers the second will benefiting Bella, this could lead to significant legal challenges. Amy might contest the second will, arguing that it was made under undue influence or that Mr. Lim was not of sound mind.


Then Who Will Be the Executor?

Since Malaysian law recognizes only the most recent will as valid. If Mr. Lim attempts to create two separate wills, only the executor named in the latest will would have the legal authority to administer the estate. This could result in confusion or disputes, particularly if the executor of the previous will believes they have authority or if the latest will contradicts earlier intentions.


What Should Mr. Lim Do Instead?

Given the complexities and potential legal disputes that can arise from having two wills, Mr. Lim should consider alternative estate planning strategies that comply with Malaysian law:

  1. Single Will with Clear Instructions: Mr. Lim could draft a single will that clearly outlines his intentions. He can allocate specific assets to Amy and others to Bella within one document. This approach avoids the legal complications of having multiple wills.
  2. Private Trusts: Setting up a private trust can be an effective way to distribute assets to Bella. A private trust can be established during Mr. Lim’s lifetime, with Bella as a beneficiary, ensuring that she receives her portion of the assets according to the trust’s terms. However, it is important to ensure that the trust is properly drafted and managed to minimize any potential disputes.
  3. Gifts During Lifetime: Mr. Lim might consider gifting certain assets to Bella while he is still alive. This way, the assets are transferred without the need to mention Bella in the will, reducing the risk of disputes after his death.


While it may be tempting for Mr. Lim to write two separate wills to manage his complicated personal life, doing so could lead to significant legal challenges and disputes. The most prudent approach is to seek professional legal advice and consider alternative estate planning methods that comply with Malaysian law. A single, well-drafted will, possibly supplemented by private trusts or lifetime gifts, is likely the best way to ensure that his wishes are carried out while minimizing the risk of legal conflicts.


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根据Wills Act 1959,通常只有最新立的遗嘱有效。最新的遗嘱里通常会包括一个废除之前所有遗嘱的条款。这意味着如果林先生立了两份遗嘱,第二份遗嘱(如果合法的话)会废除第一份。



  1. 废除之前的遗嘱: 如果林先生写了第二份遗嘱,它可能会废除第一份。即使他本来是打算两份遗嘱一起有效,这样也可能导致混乱和争议。
  2. 遗嘱内容冲突: 一份遗嘱中的资产分配可能和另一份遗嘱有冲突。打个比方,两份遗嘱都涉及到同一件资产的分配,就会造成法律上的问题。
  3. 发现第二份遗嘱: 如果AMY发现了第二份遗嘱,发现其中一些资产是留给BELLA的,这可能会引发很大的问题。AMY可能会挑战这份遗嘱,说它是在不当影响下立的,或者林先生在精神状况不好时立遗嘱。







  1. 写一份清楚的遗嘱:林先生可以写一份详细的遗嘱,明确说明资产的分配情况。这样一份遗嘱里可以同时包含对AMY和BELLA的资产分配安排,这样可以避免多份遗嘱带来的麻烦。
  2. 设立私人信托:设立一个私人信托可以是个有效的办法。林先生可以在生前设立一个私人信托,把BELLA列为受益人。这样,她可以根据信托的条款得到她应得的资产。但是也需要确保信托的制定符合马来西亚的法律,以减少争议的可能性。
  3. 生前赠与:林先生还可以考虑在生前将一些资产赠送给BELLA。这样一来,这些资产在他去世前就已经转移了,不需要在遗嘱中提到BELLA,从而减少后续争议的风险。


