WillAugust 12, 2024by Kai Xin YeohCan me and my wife just write 1 Will?

Mr. Tan came to us with a question, “Can me and my wife just write one Will for both of us?”. He had heard that couples could share one will, known as mutual will, which might seem convenient. He brings this question to us seeking clarification.


What is ‘Mutual Will’?

A mutual will is an agreement between two individuals to make their wills together, with the understanding that neither will change or revoke this Will without notifying the other. Upon the death of one party, the survivor is bound by the terms of the mutual will.


Mr. Tan was told that a mutual will is cheaper and simpler. Couples often think that since they usually leave everything to each other first, it makes sense to have a single will to cover both their wishes. The perceived simplicity and cost-saving aspects make mutual wills seem attractive.


Is there any problem with a Mutual Will? Why are we not encouraged to have a mutual will?

Here are some reasons:

  1. Rigidity
    Mutual wills are inflexible. Once one party passes away, the surviving party cannot alter the Will, even if circumstances change.
  2. Potential disputes
    If the survivor tries to change the Will, disputes can arise among beneficiaries, leading to prolonged and costly legal procedures.
  3. Change in relationship
    Relationships and circumstances may change over time. If the mutual will does not accommodate these changes, it can cause significant issues.


Higher threshold for Mutual Wills

Another important consideration is that the threshold for mutual wills is higher than for individual wills. Mutual will require a higher level of proof to establish their validity, as they are essentially binding contracts between the two parties. This means that any changes to the mutual will can be more complex and difficult to resolve, adding to the potential for legal disputes and complications.


Why individual Wills are better?

Given the potential complications of mutual wills, it is generally advisable for each individual to have their own will. Here’s why:

  1. Flexibility
    Each person can update their will as needed without notifying anyone else.
  2. Clear intentions
    Separate Wills clearly outline each individual’s wishes, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and disputes.
  3. Tailored provisions
    Each will can be tailored to address specific needs and circumstances, ensuring a more accurate reflection of the individual’s intentions.


Consider Mr. and Mrs. Tan again. If each of them has their own Will, they can independently update their Wills as their circumstances change. For instance, if Mr. Tan decides to leave a specific asset to a charity organisation later in life, he can easily update his Will without needing to notify Mrs Tan. This flexibility helps prevent disputes and ensures their wishes are respected.

Under Malaysian law, while mutual wills are recognized, they are not common due to their potential to cause disputes and complications. It is more practical and safer for each individual to have their own Will to ensure their specific wishes are clearly articulated and can be adjusted as needed.

So, Mr. Tan and his wife, like many couples, might think that having a single Will is simpler. However, due to rigidity and potential for disputes inherent in mutual wills, it is advisable for each individual to have their own separate Will. This approach provides greater flexibility, reduces the likelihood of disputes, and ensures that each person’s wishes are clearly and accurately represented.


You may make an appointment with our legal advisor here: https://calendly.com/finex-and-co-legacy-advisory/tea-talk-with-legal-expert












  1. 缺乏灵活性
  2. 潜在争议
  3. 关系变化







  1. 灵活性
  2. 明确意图
  3. 量身定制的条款




