Case StudiesTrustWillAugust 5, 2024by Kai Xin YeohHow can a testamentary trust secure your children’s future better than a simple will? – Part 2

In our last week’s article, we explored the case study of Mr. Lim and Mrs. Lim, highlighting how a testamentary trust can minimize family disputes over inheritance and ensure a smooth transfer of assets in accordance with Malaysian law.


So this week, we want to discuss another scenario involving Mr. Soh and Mrs. Soh. They have one son, Allan, who has shown a tendency to spend money irresponsibly. They are concerned about leaving a large inheritance to Allan, fearing he may squander it quickly and be left without financial security.


In a simple will,

Mr. and Mrs. Soh could leave their entire directly to Allan. However, this approach poses significant risks given Allan’s spendthrift tendencies. There is no mechanism in place to control how Allan uses the inheritance, potentially leading to financial mismanagement and the depletion of assets.


To address their concerns, Mr. and Mrs. Soh decide to set up a testamentary trust instead of relying solely on a will.

They may appoint a professional trustee or a trustee company who will manage the trust according to specific instruction outlined in the trust document. The trust can include provisions such as:

  • Providing Allan with a monthly maintenance
  • Providing other special allowance in specific occasion


Benefits of setting up a testamentary trust for a spendthrift beneficiary:

Financial protection and long-term security: A testamentary trust provides structed financial support for Allan while protecting the principal amount from being spent recklessly. By controlling disbursements, the trust ensures that Allan’s basic needs are met while preserving funds for his future.

Professional Oversight: The appointment of a professional trustee ensures that Allan’s inheritance is managed by someone with expertise in financial management. This reduces the risk of mismanagement and enhances the potential for long-term asset growth.


For families like Mr. and Mrs. Soh, a testamentary trust offers a crucial solution to protect assets for a spendthrift beneficiary. By encouraging financial discipline, ensuring long-term security and protecting the inheritance from mismanagement, a testamentary trust aligns with the parents’ wishes and secures the beneficiary’s future.


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如何通过遗嘱信托更好地保障孩子的未来?- 第二部分










  • 为Allan提供每个月的生活费
  • 在特定节日提供其他特别的津贴



  1. 保护财务和永续传承:遗嘱信托为Allan提供了有组织的财务规划,同时保护资产不会被随便地挥霍。通过控制资产的支出,信托可以确保Allan的基本生活需要被满足,也可以保留一定的资金以备将来使用。
  2. 专业监督:委任的专业受托人可以确保Allan的资产由具有财务管理专业知识的人来管理。这减少了管理不善的风险。


