Probate & Estate AdministrationWillDecember 30, 2024by Chelsia Liew“Is It Possible for an Adult Child to Witness Their Parent’s Will in Malaysia?”


Have you ever wondered if an adult child is eligible to act as a witness to their parent’s will?

Consider this scenario: a mother prepares a will giving all assets to her son and asked her 20-year-old daughter to sign as a witness. Since the daughter is neither a beneficiary nor entitled to any inheritance under the will, does this make her eligible to take on the role? Does this make her eligible to witness the will? What do you think?


According to the Wills Act 1959, a person who is 18 years of age and of sound mind can act as a witness to a will. However, a crucial requirement is that the witness must not be a beneficiary of the will or married to any beneficiary provided she is not named as a beneficiary in the will. If they are, any gift or inheritance intended for them would be rendered invalid. That said, if a child is not entitled to receive anything under the will, they are legally permitted to act as a witness.

For example, a 20-year-old daughter can validly witness her mother’s will, provided she is not named as a recipient of any inheritance.


Why Is a Witness Important?

When you witness a will, it’s not about putting your signature on a piece of paper; you have a role to play in the process. Verifying that the person making the will signed it willingly and knew exactly what they were doing. This helps ensure that the will remains legally sound and is less likely to face objections in the future.


Could There Be Issues Later?

Despite it’s legally acceptable for a child to witness their mother’s will if they’re not a beneficiary, it might raise questions later. Let’s look at a few scenarios:

  1. Challenges to the Will

Eg: A mother asks her son to witness her will, which leaves most of her assets to a charity rather than her family. Her daughters later contest the will, claiming the son might have influenced her decision and manipulated the situation for his own future benefit, even though the son is not a beneficiary.

This could spark suspicion and potentially lead to unnecessary disputes or complications.

2. Emotional Strain

A daughter witnesses her father’s will, which favors one sibling heavily due to financial hardships they faced in the past. After the father’s death, the other siblings confront her, accusing her of siding with the favored sibling or influencing the decision.

This creates emotional tension, leaving her feeling caught between loyalty to her father and fairness among her siblings.

3. Perception of Bias

Although the law permits it, appointing a family member as a witness could give rise to perceptions of bias or undue influence. Such assumptions might undermine the overall credibility of the will.


How to Avoid Potential Problems?

  • Choose Neutral witnesses: It’s always a good idea to have witnesses who are not immediate family members. For example, close friends, neighbours, or relatives. This minimizes the risk of any future disputes.
  • Be Transparent: Clear communication can prevent misunderstandings in the future.
  • Get Professional Help: Consult a lawyer who specializes in wills and estate planning. They can guide you on the best practices and ensure the will is watertight from a legal perspective.


Key Takeaways

Yes, your adult child can legally witness your will in Malaysia, but it’s important to think about more than just the law. Choosing neutral witnesses, being upfront with your family, and planning carefully can save everyone a lot of stress and keep the peace.

Always keep in mind that the purpose of a will is to bring clarity and peace of mind – not to cause confusion or conflict. Careful planning is essential to make sure your desires are honoured and your loved ones are shielded from pressure.






根据《1959年遗嘱法》(Wills Act 1959),任何年满18岁且心智健全的人都可以作为遗嘱的见证人。然而,这里有一个重要的条件:见证人不能是遗嘱的受益人,也不能与受益人有婚姻关系。若违反,遗嘱中留给该见证人的资产或赠与会被视为无效。








  1. 遗嘱被质疑


  1. 情感压力



  1. 偏见





  • 选择中立的见证人
  • 保持透明
  • 寻求专业法律咨询




