Business SuccessionMarch 18, 2024by William Wong(Part 1) Business Succession Plan: Why Keyman Insurance Is Your Business’s Secret Weapon!

Mr. Tan, who’s the top sales guy at a local marketing company. He’s the one who makes sure the company sells its products and does well. But what if Mr. Tan suddenly can’t work because he got hurt in an accident? That’s when keyman insurance comes to help.

Keyman insurance is not your usual insurance. It’s made to help businesses if someone really important like Mr. Tan can’t work anymore. Here’s how it works: Usually, the company pays the insurance premium and instead of Mr. Tan’s spouse/children/parents being the beneficiaries, the company is the beneficiary. They pay the insurance bills so that if Mr. Tan can’t work because he’s sick, hurt, or worse, the insurance helps out.

Imagine this: Mr. Tan gets in a car crash and needs an operation, so he can’t work for a while. Without Mr. Tan, the company might lose sales, and customers might go somewhere else. But if the company has keyman insurance, they get money to help out. This money can pay for hire temporary workers to keep things going and make up for any lost money.

But there’s something important to remember: Companies need to be careful with keyman insurance. Companies Act 2016 says companies can’t use keyman insurance to buy shares or do similar things. Breaking this rule means big trouble. Anyone caught breaking it could be fined a lot of money or even go to jail for up to five years. And if they keep breaking the rule after being told not to, they could get fined for up to RM1,000 on a daily basis.

So, while keyman insurance is helpful, companies need to play by the rules. It’s about looking after their important people while staying on the right side of the law.

In simple terms, keyman insurance isn’t just a safety net; it’s a smart way for companies to take care of the people who make them successful. By protecting their key employees, businesses can stay strong even when things get tough.


(第一篇)生意若想要持续发展,你就必须了解什么是Keyman Insurance。


谭先生是公司的销售总经理。他是公司销售的主力,签订合同、引领团队取得成功。但如果谭先生突然因为意外而不能工作怎么办?这时,keyman insurance就派上了用场,它就像是一根救命稻草。

Keyman insurance与普通保险不同,它专门设计用于帮助公司应对关键人员意外失去工作能力的情况。它的运作方式如下:通常,公司为关键人员保险支付保费,受益人不是谭先生的配偶/子女/父母,而是公司。这样一来,如果谭先生因病、受伤或其他原因无法工作,保险就会提供帮助。

举个例子:谭先生遇到车祸需要动手术,导致他无法工作数月。如果没有谭先生,公司的销售可能会受到影响,客户可能会选择去别处。但是,如果公司购买了keyman insurance,他们就会得到资金来提供帮助。这笔钱可以用来雇佣临时工人来维持运营,并弥补任何损失的资金。

不过,这里有个重要的事项需要注意:公司在使用keyman insurance时必须小心谨慎。马来西亚法律规定公司不得使用keyman insurance来购买股份或促使此类交易。违反这条规定可能会带来严重后果。任何被发现违反规定的人都可能会被处以高额罚款,甚至最多可监禁五年。而且,如果他们在被告知不要违反规定后继续违反,他们可能会被处以最高每日1,000令吉的罚款。

因此,尽管keyman insurance在许多情况下都是一种希望之光,但公司必须遵守规定。这是为了在保护公司关键人员的同时遵守法律。

总的来说,keyman insurance是一种确保公司可持续发展的明智抉择。企业可以应对风险并变得更加强大,确保在不断变化的环境中保持持续稳定。
