Warren Buffett just shared something important in his latest letter to shareholders – he talks about his Will with his children before signing it.
This is very different from what most Asian parents do. Many don’t tell their kids about their Will, thinking it will cause family fights or bad luck. Some believe if they keep quiet, their children will “just figure it out” later.
But Buffett’s advice is simple: talk to your family now so they won’t be confused or shocked later.
Why Warren Buffett Talks About His Will – And Why You Should Too
Buffett, now 94, has changed his Will many times, but his children always know the plan. He doesn’t want them to be surprised or fight over his assets after he’s gone.
His words are very real:
“Father time always wins… To date, I’ve been very lucky, but, before long, he will get around to me.”
Now, compare this with how most Malaysian families handle inheritance:
- Parents don’t tell their kids anything about their Will.
- Some pass away suddenly, and their kids don’t even know where the important documents are.
- Siblings end up arguing because they didn’t know their parents’ true wishes.
- Family businesses break apart because there was no clear plan.
All these problems can be avoided by just having one honest conversation.
What Happens When Parents Keep Silent About Their Will?
Many big family fights start because of unclear Wills. Even in middle-class families, money can break relationships.
Some common problems:
- Unexpected surprises – A child thought they would inherit the family house, but it was given to someone else.
- Hidden debts – Parents never told their children about unpaid loans, and now they must settle them.
- Legal delays – If a Will is not clear, the case can go to court for years.
Talking About Your Will is Not About Money – It’s About Avoiding Confusion
Many parents worry that talking about their Will would make their children greedy. But actually, keeping silent can create even bigger problems.
- It helps children understand your decisions – No arguments later.
- They will know where important papers are kept – Saves time when needed.
- It prevents misunderstandings – No fights between siblings.
Buffett has already planned for his money to go to charity, and his children know this. There are no false expectations or confusion.
By being open, he is making sure his family will not have legal or emotional troubles after he’s gone.
How to Talk About Your Will with Your Family
If you are a parent and have never talked about your Will, now is the time. Here’s how:
- Pick a good time – Have the talk privately, not during Chinese New Year or family dinners.
- Explain your choices – If you are dividing assets in a certain way, let them know why.
- Talk about debts – If you have loans, your children should know.
- Tell them where the Will is kept – So they don’t have to search for it later.
- Let them ask questions – It’s better to clear things up now than have them argue later.
You don’t need to give every small detail, but at least let them understand your overall plan.
Final Thoughts: Don’t Let Your Will Be a Mystery
Buffett’s advice is clear – talk about your Will before it’s too late.
Many Malaysian parents avoid this topic, but keeping it secret is more risky than talking about it. Silence creates confusion, and confusion can break families apart.
It doesn’t matter if you have a small savings or a big business – your family deserves clarity.
So, take a lesson from Warren Buffett – be open, set clear expectations, and make sure your wealth is used properly.
The best thing you can leave behind for your children is not just money, but peace of mind.
You may make an appointment with our legal advisor here:
巴菲特已经 94 岁,他的遗嘱改过很多次,但他的孩子每次都知道内容,不会等到他不在了才来猜测。他说了一句很实际的话:
- 父母完全不讲遗嘱,孩子什么都不知道。
- 突然去世,孩子根本不懂要去哪里找遗嘱。
- 兄弟姐妹为了财产争吵,因为爸妈没讲清楚。
- 家族生意没人接手,最后倒闭,因为没有规划好。
- 以为会继承的资产,结果留给了别人。
- 父母有欠债,但孩子完全不懂,最后要去还钱。
- 遗嘱不清楚,家人要去打官司,等几年才拿到钱。
- 孩子可以理解你的决定,以后不会有误会。
- 知道重要文件放在哪里,不会发生“找不到遗嘱”的问题。
- 避免家人吵架,有些东西讲清楚了,感情才不会破裂。
- 选对时间 – 不是新年吃团圆饭时讲,要找个安静、适合的时间。
- 解释你的决定 – 为什么这样分配,不要等以后家人才来猜测。
- 讲清楚债务 – 你有贷款、车贷、信用卡欠款,孩子应该知道。
- 让家人知道遗嘱放哪里 – 不然真的需要时,找不到会更麻烦。
- 鼓励家人提问 – 趁现在还能沟通,等到以后就讲不到了。