Knowledge you should grab

This blog is to help you gain more knowledge about estate planning and all-you-should-know when having your estate planned.
Estate Planning for Different Stages in Life – Stage 2: The Sandwich Generation

Peter (45 years old): “My monthly income is between RM10-15k. The assets I currently own are bank accounts, 2 houses, cars, investments and EPF. I have liabilities of around RM1 mil (mortgages & car loans).” For individuals with financial commitments and dependents, prioritizing comprehensive protection is essential. In addition to addressing basic life insurance coverage...

Estate Planning for Different Stages in Life – Stage 1: Young & Free

Ivan (Below 30 years old): “My monthly income is between RM3-5k. The assets I currently own are bank accounts, a car and EPF. I have liabilities of less than RM100k (credit card debt, PTPTN & car loan).”   Financial Protection Measures Medical Coverage: Obtain personal medical insurance coverage, estimated to be less than RM300 per...

General Will Writing FAQ

What is a Will and why is it important? A will is a legal document that outlines how a person’s assets and estate should be distributed after their death. It’s crucial to ensure your assets are distributed as per your wishes. p/s There is no centralized system in Malaysia for your beneficiaries to check the...

How do you ensure your illegitimate child will receive a portion from your estate without the knowledge of your current partner?

Estate planning involves making decisions about how your assets will be distributed after your passing. Ensuring that your loved ones, including children, are taken care of is a primary concern. However, when complexities arise due to unconventional family situations, such as having an illegitimate child while in a committed relationship, navigating the legal and ethical...

Enforcing Your Will

Creating a Will stands as one of the most crucial actions you can take to ensure that your estate provides for your loved ones after your passing. In principle, you have the option to jot down your Will on a scrap piece of paper, as long as it is properly signed and witnessed by two...

On what grounds can a Will be challenged?

The creation of a Will is a crucial element of estate planning, allowing individuals to specify how their assets should be distributed after their passing. However, the legal validity of a Will can be subject to scrutiny and challenge under specific circumstances. Understanding the grounds on which a Will can be contested is essential for...

Are your digital assets inheritable by your next-ofkin?

Are your digital assets inheritable by your next-of-kin? Lets start by defining what are digital assets and how is it different compared to physical assets. Digital Assets basically are your cryptocurrency, NFTS, instagram, twitter or facebook accounts and so on. However, digital assets are not the same as your physical assets as all you need...