Knowledge you should grab

This blog is to help you gain more knowledge about estate planning and all-you-should-know when having your estate planned.
Estate Planning for Different Stages in Life – Stage 2: The Sandwich Generation

Peter (45 years old): “My monthly income is between RM10-15k. The assets I currently own are bank accounts, 2 houses, cars, investments and EPF. I have liabilities of around RM1 mil (mortgages & car loans).” For individuals with financial commitments and dependents, prioritizing comprehensive protection is essential. In addition to addressing basic life insurance coverage...

Estate Planning for Different Stages in Life – Stage 1: Young & Free

Ivan (Below 30 years old): “My monthly income is between RM3-5k. The assets I currently own are bank accounts, a car and EPF. I have liabilities of less than RM100k (credit card debt, PTPTN & car loan).”   Financial Protection Measures Medical Coverage: Obtain personal medical insurance coverage, estimated to be less than RM300 per...

Navigating the Allocation and Disbursement of Insurance Policy Funds in Malaysia Upon the Demise of the Insured

In Malaysia, assets held within insurance policies are expressly exempted from the estate of the deceased individual. This provision is designed to protect the entitlements of the insured’s spouse and children with respect to the insurance proceeds, thereby mitigating any prospective claims from the creditors of the deceased. The legal foundation for this exclusion is...