Insurance & EPFWillMay 27, 2024by Kai Xin YeohDoes the entire EPF nomination become void if one of the beneficiaries predecease me?

The Employee’s Provident Fund (EPF) is a compulsory savings scheme for Malaysian workers, designed to ensure financial security in retirement. When an EPF member passes away, the funds are distributed to the nominees listed by the member. However, complications can arise if one of the beneficiaries predeceased the EPF member.


Question 1: Can the surviving EPF Nominee still receive my EPF savings?

Yes, the surviving EPF nominee(s) can still receive their designated portion. According to information provided by EPF, if a member has nominated more than one beneficiary and one of them predeceased the member, only the portion that was bequeathed to the deceased beneficiary becomes invalid. The surviving nominees will still receive their respective shares.


Question 2: So who gets the portion belonging to the deceased beneficiary?

To decide who gets the portion belonging to the deceased beneficiary depends on whether the EPF member has left a Will.

If the EPF member dies without leaving a Will, the portion of the EPF savings allocated to the deceased beneficiary does not automatically pass to the surviving beneficiary. Instead, this portion will be distributed according to the procedure for cases ‘without nomination’. The lawful beneficiaries must apply to KWSP for the distribution of the deceased nominee’s share.

If the EPF member had prepared a Will, the distribution of the deceased beneficiary’s share would follow the stipulations outlined in the Will. A Will allow the member to specify exactly how their assets, including EPF savings, should be distributed upon their death. The member can designate new beneficiaries or redistribute the shares as they see fit. For instance, the member might specify a backup beneficiary for EPF savings in their Will, ensuring that the distribution follows their wishes even if a primary beneficiary predeceases them.

Given the potential complications that arise when a nominee predeceases an EPF member, it is crucial to update EPF nominations. EPF members should periodically review their nominations and update their nominations through the EPF i-Akaun portal or by visiting an EPF branch.

In addition to updating EPF nominations, EPF members are encouraged to prepare a Will and include their EPF savings in it. A Will provides clear instructions on the distribution of the member’s assets, including EPF savings, and can prevent disputes among surviving family members. By including EPF assets in a will, members can ensure there is a detailed instructions on how all assets should be distributed.


When a nominee predeceases an EPF member, the distribution of the member’s EPF savings can become complex. To avoid potential complications and ensure that EPF savings are distributed according to their wishes, members should update their nominations and consider preparing a Will. This proactive approach can provide peace of mind and clarify for all parties involved.

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如果EPF会员去世时没有留下遗嘱,那么分配给已故受益人的部分不会自动转移到尚存的受益人。相反,此部分将根据“无提名”(without nomination)的程序分配。合法的受益人必须向KWSP申请已故受益人的份额分配。


鉴于一个受益人比EPF会员更早去世可能引起的潜在问题,定期更新EPF提名是很重要的。EPF会员应该定期审查自己的提名,并通过EPF i-Akaun网站或者亲自到EPF分行更新提名。



