Knowledge you should grab

This blog is to help you gain more knowledge about estate planning and all-you-should-know when having your estate planned.
Joint Bank Account Survivorship Clause vs. Will: Determining Asset Distribution

Estate planning involves making important decisions regarding the distribution of assets after one’s passing. However, conflicts can arise between the instructions outlined in a will and the survivorship clause associated with a joint bank account. This article delves into the legal implications and considerations surrounding whether the survivorship clause or the will prevails in asset...

Can a bankrupt individual inherit assets?

Everyone is entitled to inherit assets of a deceased person either by a will created by the deceased or if the deceased has died intestate, the inheritance will be made according to Section 6 of the Distribution Act 1958. If you are considering leaving your assets to a beneficiary who has been declared bankrupt in...

Your jointly owned property does not necessarily belongs to you!

Co-proprietorship, also known as co-ownership, is a form of property ownership in which two or more individuals jointly own a property. Each co-proprietor has a legal interest in the property and shares in the ownership rights and responsibilities of the property. There are two types of co-proprietorship: joint tenancy and tenancy in common. Joint Tenancy:...