Knowledge you should grab

This blog is to help you gain more knowledge about estate planning and all-you-should-know when having your estate planned.
Can a non-Muslim wife inherit the deceased husband’s assets despite having an affair?

In Malaysia, the rules of intestacy (when someone dies without a will) generally do not consider a spouse’s fidelity or personal behavior as a factor in determining their right to inherit. Instead, inheritance laws often focus on factors like marital status, kinship, or the presence of a valid Will. It’s important to emphasize that this...

Impacts of Remarriages on Estate Planning in Malaysia

Not everyone experiences just one marriage in their lifetime; some may enter into multiple marriages for various reason like divorce, the passing of a spouse, or personal choices. Incorporating your new spouse into your estate-planning can be a complex matter, especially when children from previous marriages are in the equation. Understanding the significant consideration surrounding...

How can I assert ownership of belongings in the event of my parents’ passing without a will?

It is customary for many elderly individuals to avoid creating a Will due to considering it a taboo. Nevertheless, opting not to draft a Will could potentially create more difficulties for your family members rather than being of assistance to them. Let’s have a general run through on how Wills work. When your parents pass...

Simple Mistakes to Avoid While Writing A Will.

There are a few things to look out for when preparing your own Will. These are the few main common mistakes that people make when writing a Will. 1. The Distribution Method Naturally, if you do not write a Will, the Malaysian government will distribute your assets according to the Distribution Act 1958 which are...

Can your Will include your mistress or sugar baby?

It is not a common thing to include your mistress in your Will especially in Malaysia. However, it’s undeniable that some individuals engage in extramarital relationships. It must be noted that in Malaysia, these third parties such as mistresses or concubines or sugar baby dont have legal rights to your assets. Those rights belongs to...

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Edrian Chin Yik Rong - Legal Advisor of Finex & Co Legacy Advisory
Megan Lo Su Yee - Legal Advisor of Finex & Co Legacy Advisory
Chua Pei Shan - Legal Advisor of Finex & Co Legacy Advisory
Emmeline Lee - Chief Legal Advisor Profile