Knowledge you should grab

This blog is to help you gain more knowledge about estate planning and all-you-should-know when having your estate planned.
Where should you keep your Will?

It’s important to keep your Will in a safe and accessible place so that it can be easily found and executed when the time comes. Here are a few options for where to keep your Will: With your lawyer / estate planner: If you worked with a lawyer or estate planner to create your Will,...

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your Will

A Will is a legal document that outlines your final wishes regarding the distribution of your assets and the care of your dependents after your passing. It is an essential document that should be created by everyone, regardless of age or wealth. However, writing a Will can be a daunting task, and even the slightest...

Who should I appoint as an executor for my minor children?

Under Section 4(2) of the Probate Administration Act 1959, [(2) If any beneficiary is an infant, or if a life interest arises under the will or intestacy, administration shall be granted either to a trust corporation (with or without an individual) or to not less than two individuals: Provided that— (a) the Court may in...

What is a Guardian?

What is a Guardian? In Malaysia, a guardianship is a legal arrangement in which an individual is appointed to take care of and make decisions for a minor or a person who is unable to manage their own affairs due to mental or physical incapacity. The person who is appointed as the guardian is responsible...